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Local Cannabis Icon Wade Laughter Recognized For Compassionate Leadership

Updated: Feb 4

Article posted on November 21st, 2024 by Nevada County CA


Last week, hugs, tears and emotional testimony filled the Nevada County Board of Supervisors Chambers as local cannabis legend Wade Laughter was recognized for his lifetime of advocacy, research, education and compassionate leadership. 

Upon receiving a Certificate of Recognition, the room erupted in thunderous applause and a standing ovation. 

“Nevada County Supervisors appreciate Wade Laughter’s many years of civil discourse and steadfast commitment to cannabis education, awareness and wellness. We wanted to make sure you knew how much we appreciate all the passion and intelligence and hard work you’ve put into this,” said District 1 Supervisor Heidi Hall who read Laughter’s history for the record. 

Laughter’s many contributions to farming and medicine have benefited numerous people in Nevada County and thousands across the globe, according to Hall. 

Following a stint in the U.S. Navy as a machinist, Laughter pursued a path in biodynamic farming in North Carolina before moving to Berkeley, California in 1976. 

In 1995, Laughter was diagnosed with an aggressive case of glaucoma that eventually led him to cannabis for medical intervention. In 1996, California passed Prop. 215, the Compassionate Use Act permitting the use of medical cannabis. Laughter became a qualified patient. 

He decided to grow his own medicine using his background with organic biodynamic farming. In 1999, he became a full-time cultivator for patients who had persistent pain from sports injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and autoimmune diseases.

In the summer of 2012, with his wife, Monica, Laughter started welcoming patients in Nevada County and soon after helped found the Nevada County Cannabis Alliance to educate the community and growers about best practices and the benefits of medical cannabis. 

Since then, Laughter has worked tirelessly to educate lawmakers, contribute thoughtful dialogue to the legalization of cannabis in Nevada County and mentor local growers to improve on farm sustainability. Some local lawmakers changed their views about cannabis with Laughter’s gentle educational approach. 

“I wasn’t going to have anything to do with this cannabis stuff but Wade, he wormed his way into my heart and educated me and really helped me learn about the medical side of cannabis. It was incredibly important to me and I treasure that friendship and relationship that we have built… You always had a voice of reason. So it’s not just cannabis you helped us all with. You helped us with many ups and downs with this county,” said District 4 County Supervisor Sue Hoek.   

Along his journey, Laughter followed “an attitude of gratitude,” a life motto that guided his work. 

“I’m a bit overwhelmed. I never got into this work in hopes of recognition. As a professional cannabis grower it was important to be hidden, people were being put in jail for what I was doing and thankfully we’ve come a long way,” said Laughter.

“On behalf of county staff, we all agree that you model civic engagement. You achieved it with intelligence, strong advocacy, and heart, but you also did it with kindness,” said County Executive Officer Alison Lehman.

Laughter was visibly emotional after hearing heartfelt testimony from every County Supervisor on the board, the County Executive Officer and members of the community. 

“You folks again and again had an open mind and an open heart to the dilemma of persons who actually need cannabis. You folks opened your heart and that made a huge difference. We need good governance in this country and it starts at the local levels,” said Laughter. 


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