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"Transition Period" : Timeline Reminder

For those license holders who submitted Nevada County Cannabis Cultivation permit applications in 2019 and who have items they are still working on under a “Transition Plan,“ now is a good time to check in on your progress and your timeline for completion. If transition timelines are not met, the County may take appropriate enforcement actions, including but not limited to abatement and denial of cultivation permits. Failure to correct violations by the expiration of applicable permits may result in the Annual Cannabis Permit (ACP) not being renewed.

When does your “transition plan” end?

Your two-year transition period began on the submittal date of your complete application.

Stay in contact with the county about your transition plan items.

Timeline concerns? Confused?

Contact the Nevada County Cannabis Compliance Division

(530) 265-1222, Option 8

As a reminder, the local policy that allows for a two year transition period expires on May 14, 2022.


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